Berita Seputar Global Indonesia


Terbitkan Perpres Nomor 193 Tahun 2024, Prabowo Serius Genjot Ekonomi Biru

Compass.com – President (Republic of Indonesia) Prabowo Subantiano issued President regulation (Perpres) No. 193 of 2024 years regarding the Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries (KP) Friday (8.11.2024).

Minister KP Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said, in recent Peppe’s, his ministry experienced the extension of the organizational structure, namely from nine to 10 Echelon 1 work.

“To strengthen the organizational structure aims to encourage the implementation of five blue financial programs that are the priority of the KP Ministry,” Trenggono, Trenggono in the press release received by Compass.com, Saturday (11.11.2017.).

Previously added Trenggono, General Directorate of PKRL, is responsible for three of the five KP of blue financial programs that started it from 2021 years.

The program includes the spread of the marine fatigue area, coastal control and supervision and small islands as well as handling plastic waste in the sea through the sea hunting month (BCL).

The Directorate -General has greatly contributed to the ultimate merger of state revenue (PNBP) of maritime and fishing under the Leggonry management.

“PNBP donated the general Directorate of PKRL to rise up to 600 percent thanks to the transformation of the performance of the spatial planning of marine space,” Kara Trenggono.

Informasi, Program Ekonomi Biru adalah bagian dari Presiden Astacit Prabowo yang terkandung di waktu lain.

Baca Juga: Dorong Ekonomi Biru, Bank Mandira memperkuat sinergi dengan Kementerian KP

This point focuses on strengthening the country’s defense system and encouraging the nation’s independence through the food unit, energy, water, creative economies, green economies and blue economies.

In the Prabowo Regulation he also achieved significant changes to the Director-General of the Maritime Government and Havrum (DG PKRL), which is now divided into two.

Direktur -Jenderal adalah Direktur -Jenderal Perencanaan Tata Ruang Marinir Marinir dan Direktorat Ekonomi Umum untuk Maritim. Sementara itu, pekerjaan Eselon 1 lainnya, termasuk tiga posisi staf profesional menteri, belum berubah.

Tugas untuk setiap direktorat umum

Rincian tugas dan fungsinya berdasarkan Pasal 12 dan 13. dari 193/2024.

The Directorate -General is also responsible for the preparation of norms, standards, procedures, criteria related to the spacious space planning, supply of technical instructions, monitoring and using monitoring and assessing the use of marine space.

Selain itu, Direktorat -Umum untuk Perencanaan Tata Ruang juga harus melakukan fungsi administrasi dan tugas -tugas lain yang diberikan oleh Menteri.


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